The challenge of IFFSS

Give us this day our daily bread: for us, this is the challenge to be overcome

Every day, 100,000 people in the world are starving. Each month the inhabitants of a great city like Rome disappear because of hunger and lack of solutions to the problem. To cope with this terrible tragedy, IFFSS aims to put into practice the "Give us this day our daily bread" that is repeated every day in the prayers around the world.


Spreading the "bread technology" and develop a sustainable bioethics

To fight hunger and poverty in our planet, the Foundation will promote the development of a "sustainable bioethics", focused on the human being and the environment, based on integrated projects involving collaboration of enterprises, local communities and institutions in order to take anywhere bread and improve the quality of life.


Ensure food security and improve the quality of life

IFFSS is committed to ensure food security - with supply of food safety inspection and certification - and to improve the quality of life in developing countries bearing in mind the protection of the environment and biodiversity, in particularly for rural villages. In all areas of intervention, the Foundation also aims to develop integrated activities for enhancing natural resources, territories, economies, and for strengthen education and innovation.